How to join us

Join the CzBI research infrastructure

The candidate facility must be in compliance with the below mentioned requirements and with the financial cycles of the infrastructure to be considered a suitable applicant. The process consists of 2 phases: CzBI observer application and CzBI full membership application.

PHASE 1: CzBI observer

  1. The facility submits an application to become a CzBI observer: Annex No. 1: Application – CzBI observer
  2. The facility maintains the CzBI observer status (approx. 1 year period is recommended). During this period, the facility has the right to participate in meetings and discussions of the Steering Committee (without voting rights). CzBI hub will provide the necessary guidance during the joining procedure.

Please note: It is recommended to become an observer approximately 24 months before the expected date of submission of the CzBI application for a new grant (i.e. 36 months before the beginning of the new operational program).

Procedure following the CzBI observer application:

  • Evaluation by the CzBI hub (formal requirements, checking for missing documents etc.)
  • Evaluation by the CzBI Steering committee
  • Decision about the Observer status by the CzBI Steering committee – supportive or not

PHASE 2: CzBI full membership

The facility submits an application to become a CzBI full member: Annex No. 2: Application – CzBI full member

The application must meet the following requirements:

  • Technology/Instruments contributing to CzBI aims
  • Dedicated time of the instruments for users
  • Separated accounting
  • Clear positioning of the imaging facility in the organization chart of the institution

Please note: The application must be submitted at least 6 months prior to the anticipated start as a full member of the CzBI. Due to the funding of the CzBI from the operational programs, it is recommended to date the beginning of the CzBI membership so that the new member can participate in the preparation of the budget and grant application as a valid member of the consortium. The membership in the CzBI should therefore start approximately 12 months before the expected date of the beginning of the new operational program cycle

Procedure following receipt an application:

  • Evaluation by the CzBI Hub
  • Evaluation by the Steering Committee – supportive or not
  • Evaluation by the International Advisory Board – supportive or not
  • Final decision of the Supervisory board based on the recommendations of the Steering Committee and the International Advisory Board

For illustrative example please see the Annex No. 3: Illustrative example of joining a new facility in the CzBI

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