CzBI Open Access

Czech BioImaging offers an open non-discriminatory access to the top technologies (instrumentation and expertise) in the field of biomedical imaging.

CzBI offers 3 different modes of access:

1) CzBI open access mode

It is an excellence-driven access mode, which is exclusively dependent on the scientific excellence, originality, quality and technical feasibility of an application as evaluated by the respective Czech-BioImaging core facility expert (complex projects can be additionally evaluated externally).

All users are welcome to apply for the CzBI open access. The Czech-BioImaging Access Policy is formulated with accordance to the European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructure. CzBI open access is efficient, supportive, transparent, and open at the point of service for the user. The CzBI user will be granted access to required resources (e.g. access to instrumentation, expertise, training, data software and analysis tools) at all stages of the research project.

CzBI facilities operating in open access are located in Prague, Brno, Olomouc, and Ceske Budejovice.

Please note: A small fee may apply for covering costs related to the consumable and to the additional support provided by the core facility above standard technical support provided to users, and to cover costs of the core facility related to the user access, which are not funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (project LM 2023050).

CzBI open-access application process

1st step

Choose the facility that offers technology / expertise you require

2nd step

Submit your application for the Czech-BioImaging open access form

3rd step

After approval of your application, you will be contacted by the core facility head to discuss your project and practical arrangements of your visit.

4th step

At the facility, you will receive hands-­on training, access to instrumentation, support with data acquisition and analysis, and help with the arrangements of your stay.

5th step

After your project finishes, you will be asked to complete a satisfaction survey and inform us about the publication (or other outcomes) resulted from the project.

Submit your open-access application

To apply for the CzBI open-access, the user is requested to submit an on-line project application via a dedicated online-form. The application also serves as a registration to Czech-BioImaging database of users.

Why do we need the registration?

Your input help us to increase the visibility of the Czech-BioImaging. It may positively influence the evaluation of the Czech-BioImaging’ s performance and thus help in acquiring financial resources for further development and operation of the imaging facilities.

Before you begin to fill the form:

  1. Select the core facility, where you want to conduct your research project.
     If you are experiencing issues with determining which technology to use or you have any other specific questions, please contact us at:
  2. Have a short project annotation ready:
    • A project title
    • A brief description of the planed experiments (intended method and instrumentation)
    • Expected length of the project


Czech-BioImaging open access policy and principles

  • The Czech-BioImaging is a distributed infrastructure that provides an open non-discriminatory access to its instrumentation and expertise.
  • The Czech-BioImaging provides transparent information to (potential) users on the access rules.
  • The Czech-BioImaging through the hub and individual nodes (core facilities) support their users by providing training, advice on selection of a suitable instrument for a project, on project design/execution and evaluation, and by providing temporary repositories for image data.
  • The users entering the core facilities in the Czech-BioImaging open access mode are requested to register and submit a project into the Czech-BioImaging database of users.
  • The intellectual property created within the project is the property of the user (unless agreed otherwise).
  • Users have to conform to the concrete access rules of the Czech-BioImaging node – core facility they visit.
  • Users are obliged to acknowledge the Czech-BioImaging in any output (publications, patents) and public presentations that were created by using the Czech-BioImaging instrumentation or expertise.

Acknowledgement template:

We acknowledge the core facility xy, institution xy supported by the Czech-BioImaging large RI project (LM 2023050 funded by MEYS CR) for their support with obtaining scientific data presented in this paper.

Or in a short version:

We acknowledge the core facility xy, institution xy supported by the MEYS CR (LM 2023050 Czech-BioImaging).

2) EuBI open access mode

CzBI also makes up the basis for EuBI ERIC nodes and for that reason the CzBI open access policy is deeply embedded within the international research infrastructure. Cooperation within the EuBI ERIC continually brings foreign users to the facilities and it ultimately connects the Czech scientific community more closely with many scientists from different countries and contexts. CzBI in cooperation with EuBI, continues to further expand and strengthen its cooperation and attraction of foreign scientists.

To submit new proposals and access imaging technologies at any of the EuBI Nodes, the users have to visit the new EuBI Web Portal:

3) Other access modes (e.g. collaborative projects)

As the CzBI is a distributed infrastructure, the concrete rules for collaborative and contractual R&D projects are set by the individual CzBI partners. The role of CzBI is to serve as a platform, where the proposals for joint projects emerge, are discussed, and also to promote the Czech imaging facilities among potential commercial partners.


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