Czech-BioImaging call II for research projects

Request for financial support to perform projects within the Czech-BioImaging open access


The aim of this call is to promote open access to the core facilities participating in the Czech-BioImaging research infrastructure. Methodically oriented projects are especially welcome. Czech-BioImaging provides financial support in performing projects within the Czech-BioImaging open access to users from all over the world.

Who can apply

  • Researchers working for academic institutions and conducting independent/basic research, e.g. universities and research institutes.
  • Both Czech and international applicants are welcome (EU or non-EU)
  • Restrictions: This call is not intended for companies.
Core facilities participating in this call (


Every application will be reviewed by an internal evaluator and an expert panel composed of members of the Steering Committee.

Evaluation criteria:

  • Methodological importance and impact on the future development (Is the project original, new and/or important from the methodological point of view? Are the outcomes important for the development of the research facility and improvement of service usability?)
  • Scientific excellence (Is the science sound, exciting, promising to bring important new data relevant for the current level of the field?)
  • Importance of outcomes for a wide scientific community in a given field
  • Feasibility of the project when considering the research approach, team size and duration of the project
  • Methodological appropriateness


Following costs are eligible for financial support:

  • Contribution to the verifiably incurred costs for measurement – data acquisition
  • Imaging related sample preparation (special chemicals, labels, etc. – NOT general lab consumables)
  • Data processing and analysis

Limit for one project: 100,000 CZK (approx. 3,800 EUR), in well-founded cases up to 150,000 CZK.

The total budget of the call: 667,740 CZK (approx. 27,100 EUR)

The financial support will be transferred directly to the Czech-BioImaging core facility, in which the project will be performed.

The support does not include travel costs, accommodation and daily allowances. This has to be covered by the applicant.


Applications have to be submitted via an 


Deadline for submitting the applications: January 31, 2022

Successful projects should be performed within the period from April 1, 2022 to November 30, 2022.

The applicants will be informed about the results of the call by March 31, 2022.

General conditions

  • Publications resulting from work undertaken at Czech-Bioimaging facilities within this call have to contain an acknowledgement:

We acknowledge the core facility PLEASE INSERT THE FACILITY NAME, institution PLEASE INSERT THE INSTITUTION NAME supported by the Czech-BioImaging large RI project (LM2018129 funded by MEYS CR) for their support with obtaining scientific data presented in this paper.

Or in a short version: We acknowledge the core facility PLEASE INSERT THE FACILITY NAME, institution PLEASE INSERT THE INSTITUTION NAME supported by the MEYS CR (LM2018129 Czech-BioImaging).

This acknowledgement has to be also mentioned in public presentations (e.g. conference presentations, posters, proceedings).

  • Users shall notify Czech-BioImaging hub ( of all publications resulting from their work at Czech-BioImaging facilities. A fulltext (PDF) and reference details of a publication have to be submitted.
  • Users have to write a short Final Report on Czech-BioImaging User Support Project and send it to Czech-BioImaging hub ( by January 15, 2023. The template of the report will be send out to users in December 2022. The final report will be taken into account in the case of submitting the user's application to the following calls.
  • In case of successfully realized projects the applicants may be offered an invited talk at the annual Czech-BioImaging conference "Imaging principles of life".
  • There is no legal claim for this support/grant.


General inquiries:

Questions to the available technologies and feasibility should be addressed directly to the heads of the Czech-BioImaging facilities.


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