
Czech-BioImaging Business Plan
Czech-BioImaging research infrastructure has recently developed an important official document providing a comprehensive overview of Czech-BioImaging focal activities, key priorities, management structure, open-access policy and financial planning. Its purpose is to present a clear outline of long-term ambitions and the infrastructures vision as well as a complete range of services, technologies and other possibilities that Czech-BioImaging offers to its members and users. As a dynamic document, the CzBI Business plan will be updated overtime to accurately reflect its current state. Additional information regarding technical descriptions and other specialized practicalities can be found in the Technical and Implementing Annex.

[CZ] Czech-BioImaging – Zobrazujeme principy života
“Mikroskopie se stala jednou z hlavních výzkumných metod v biologii, medicíně a materiálových vědách. Ve spolupráci s českým vydáním časopisu Scientific American jsme pro vás připravili speciální přílohu časopisu o náplni práce naší infrastruktury a nejzajímavějších metodách, které poskytujeme pro výzkum. Věříme, že vás publikace zaujme a studenty inspiruje v rozhodování o jejich dalším směrování.”
Pavel Hozák, ředitel infrasruktury

Czech-BioImaging Leaflet
Czech-BioImaging provides cutting-edge imaging technologies and expert support for all. Our state-of-the-art core facilities offer advanced instruments, personalized advice, and open access to resources. Enhance your skills through workshops and collaboration opportunities.

Czech-BioImaging Newsletters
Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in biological and medical imaging at the Czech-BioImaging Core Facilites. From user project highlights to cutting-edge technologies, events, courses, and conference visibility, we’ve got you covered. Dive into fascinating research projects, stay informed about imaging techniques, and mark your calendar for workshops and conferences.