Involvement in Euro-BioImaging
Czech-BioImaging is actively involved in Euro-BioImaging (EuBI), the European landmark research infrastructure for biological and biomedical imaging as recognised by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).
Czech-BioImaging core facilities have formed three national nodes for EuBI, all operating with open access within Czech-BioImaging and Euro-BioImaging.

Gateway to European biological and biomedical imaging
Through Euro-BioImaging, life scientists can access imaging instruments, expertise, training opportunities and data management services that they might not find at their home institutions or among their collaboration partners. All scientists, regardless of their affiliation, area of expertise or field of activity can benefit from these pan-European open access services, which are provided with high quality standards by leading imaging facilities called Nodes.
Czech Nodes of Euro-BioImaging
Czech participation in Euro-BioImaging ERIC Board
Delegate representing public administration
Dr. Jan Buriánek
Department of Research and Development, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Expert for biological imaging
Prof. Pavel Hozák
Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Expert for medical imaging
Prof. Ivan Rektor
Medical Faculty, Masaryk University and CEITEC
Global Network of Imaging Infrastructures and Communities
Internationally, Euro-BioImaging and Czech-BioImaging participate in Global Bioimaging, which is an international network of imaging infrastructures and communities initiated in 2015 by a Horizon 2020 funded project.
It provides a unique opportunity for international discussion and cooperation to tackle the practical challenges as well as the strategic questions linked to operating open access infrastructures for cutting edge imaging technologies in the life sciences. Global BioImaging regularly organizes: annual international workshops, focused meetings and working groups, trainings and staff shadowing programs.