Who we are
Czech-BioImaging is a national research infrastructure bringing together 16 leading imaging facilities in 10 research institutions in Prague, Vestec, Brno, České Budějovice and Olomouc.
Czech-BioImaging uniquely combines open access, educational courses, funding opportunities and close cooperation with industry.
Through 3 national Euro-BioImaging nodes, we are a part of Euro-BioImaging ERIC and are included in the Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2023—2026.

Open Access
To enable a permanent access to cutting-edge imaging technologies and expertise
Excellent science
To increase awareness and knowledge of biological and medical imaging
To support mutual cooperation of scientists and sharing of best practices and knowledge

Word from the Director
“Our motto – Imaging Principles of Life – expresses the very essence of our mission. Czech-BioImaging imaging facilities provide top level technologies and expertise for a wide range of biomedical applications and industry.”
— Pavel Hozák, Czech-BioImaging Director
What we do
Access & support

We specialize in advanced light and electron microscopy, medical imaging and image data analysis.

We organize hands-on and theory focused courses in biomedical imaging and image analysis.

We support user projects performed at our core facilities focusing on new method development.
Czech-BioImaging in numbers
Imaging facilities
Partner institutions
Euro-BioImaging nodes
1 300+
Users per year
Professional staff
Imaging instruments

Hosting Institution
Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Microscopy Centre
Vídeňská 1083
142 20 Prague 4
Czech Republic
About Large Research Infrastructures

Czech-BioImaging is included in the Roadmap of Large Infrastructures for Research, Experimental Development and Innovation of the Czech Republic for the years 2023 – 2026 (PDF, page 96).
The Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic is a strategic document of the Czech Republic presenting the concept of support for large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic. In the international context, the Roadmap is an equivalent to the Roadmap of the European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and the Czech Republic’s contribution to the landscape of research infrastructures constructed and operated in Europe and worldwide. The Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic was first prepared by the MEYS in 2010, with subsequent updates in 2011, 2015, 2019 and 2023. The latest edition of the Roadmap presents the concept of support for large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic in the period 2023 to 2026. The next update of the Roadmap is scheduled for 2027, when the new multi-year framework for public support for large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic in the period 2027 to 2030 will be launched.
Czech-BioImaging is supported from the program for large research infrastructures of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports within the project “National Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging (Czech-BioImaging – LM 2023050)“ and OP JAK infrastructure project “Modernisation of the VVI Czech-BioImaging” CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008205.