Cryo-Imaging of Biological Samples

7 – 9 April 2025

Imaging Methods Core Facility, BIOCEV, Průmyslová 595, 252 50, Vestec

Course description:

The course will focus on basic operations in cryogenic electron microscopy (cryoEM), cryoimaging of vitrified particulate specimens (e.g. microtubules, vesicles, viruses, etc.) and the possibility of correlation with cryogenic fluorescence microscopy (cryoFM). The lectures will cover the theoretical principles of EM/cryoEM and FM/cryoFM. During hands-on sessions, participants will gain practical experience with cryo-sample preparation techniques (Plunge Freezer, High Pressure Freezing) and cryo-imaging using confocal fluorescence microscope and transmission electron microscope. The course is particularly suitable for beginners in cryoEM with little or no experience in the field.

Registration and more information:

Course website